École Handsworth Secondary
North Vancouver School District
Dance Staff

Handsworth has a rich legacy of performing arts excellence, including music, dance, film and theatre involving over 200 performers from all five grade levels each year.

Our co-curricular process begins in June of each year with grade 12 students writing the play. The following school year, the cast and crew rehearse in class and after school. For the past ten years we have presented our original play in April at Centennial Theatre.  

Like all our plays, we continue to explore two of our central themes: peace education and conflict resolution. As educators, we believe that through co-creating a play, students move through a process of working cooperatively as a community. Through the practices of working cooperatively, students develop an appreciation for people, differences, arts, and excellence! The co-creating process also provides an outlet for students to make various connections with current social issues.

Handsworth Staff

Sandra Droulis
David Beare

​Natasha Ray
​Tracey Lloyd

 David Beare.jpg     Dr. David Beare

        Tracey Lloyd.JPGTracey Lloyd

Handsworth Volunteers

​Inge Luers Knowles
​Parent Volunteer
​Velda Williams
​Parent Volunteer